Tuesday, January 1, 2019


My name is Veer. One day I asked my mother “Can I search a pet in the forest?” My mom replied “Yes, but be careful.” So I went into the forest.
Soon I was trapped in the forest, perhaps forever. After 50 years I reached to an absolutely enormous volcano. Above it was a bird, covered with lava. I watched it drift towards me. So, I kept him as my pet.
After few days, I came to a weird looking animal type creature. It had a tail of a snake, a body of a lion, the legs of a bull and the mouth of a crocodile. The animal was charging towards me, but Lava-Hound came in front of me and just popped lava.
After 100 years of facing dangers and injuries, I finally came to my house. I showed my mother the new pet, Lava-Hound. My mom looked at Lava-Hound up and down, right and left. She then asked me “Where did you find this absolutely enormous, scary looking beast? I replied “I found it at the top of a very large volcano.”

Spaceship V35

Space Ranger Maximus was launched off the earth in the year 15th century. He was aboarded in Spaceship V35. The spaceship had eight rockets inside. Each was meant to go on different planets.
The first stop of V35 was on the planet Mercury. The main spaceship circled around Mercury and a little rocket came out and landed on Mercury. The little rocket studied the planet for a while and then came back inside V35.
As V35 was moving in the galaxy it came across the aesteroid belt. Suddenly an aesteroid was heading towards the Spaceship V35. Maximus the astraunaut was scared, he was frightened that the Spaceship would be struck by the charging aesteroid. He quickly pressed the emergency button and it activated 15 boosters which helped the V35 flew as fast as the speed of the light due to which V35 was out of control.
It missed the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and took a huge turn circling the planet Pluto in 5 seconds, it was so fast that when Maximus turned off the boosters still V35 was as fast as the speed of light. It landed on Earth like a huge Metroid. Luckily it fell in the Pacific ocean near US. He landed after 15 centuries at 1900.

Creep in the Deep

It was a sunny day and I was walking on the deck of the ship named “Casendra” withmy uncle ‘Ben’. He said excitedly, “We are going to the underwater sunken shipcalled ‘Scarlet Skull’. I asked him “How are we going underwater?”  He explained me “We are going by a very smallsubmarine”. We walked through the deck and reached at the submarine.
FirstUncle Ben went in, followed by my sister Nano and lastly I entered into thesubmarine. Uncle Ben showed us all the controls of the submarine while Nanopoked around. The submarine plunged under water. Suddenly we heard a loud“THONK”. We may have crashed into the Scarlet Skull, Uncle Ben’s voice fadedaway. I shouted in frustration “Uncle Ben…. Uncle Ben…”
ThenI heard a loud “BHOOM”. I looked from one of the glass windows “Aaa! Skeletons!How can it be possible” BOOM… BHOOM.
“Veer!”shouted Nano, “Pull the lever to make the submarine go up”.  I pulled the lever back and forth couple oftimes. “It’s not working” I replied. Nano said “Try the red button”. So Ipushed the red button and the submarine flew up the water. After a while Ilooked out of the hatch and excitedly said “Hey look, an island!” Nano waseager as well as she wanted to go on the island. She plunged into the water.The island was sunny and we felt like home. We both felt that the trees lookedat us and smiled. Suddenly Nano said “Hey, look there, a cave”, to which Ireplied “I think there are people in there.”
“Letgo and not waste our time” Nano replied and we both ran towards the cave.Suddenly in the middle of the track the sand disappeared beneath our feet andwe both fell down in a deep hole….. I looked up and saw three skeletonslingering on the sides of the hole. Nano tried to climb out, but when sherealized that there are skeletons she panicked and felt down. One of the skeletons reached his bony hand toward Nano, to which she dodged but the skeleton was too strong. As the skeleton pulled her out, she screamed “UncleBen!!!”Another skeleton reached out my hand too, and pulled me out andexcitedly I cried out “Uncle Ben”. “They caught you too” Uncle Ben’s voice wasvery hoarse.
We saw, two men came running towards us with clubs in their hand. They bashed theskeletons and said “We have to get out of here” Suddenly one of the skeletonscame up and chopped one of the men’s toes. The other men hit the skeleton andtrashed him into million pieces. We ran towards the submarine, quickly openedthe hatch and boarded inside. Uncle Ben switched on the Auto Pilot mode and thesubmarine plunged into the water for our journey towards our home. It may haveseems like years passed when we reached towards the Casendra.

Book Review on 'Goosebumps HorrorLand - The horror at Chiller House’

Today I read this amazing book named ‘Goosebumps HorrorLand - The horror at Chiller House’. The book was a flabbergasting read with twists and turns. Goosebumps HorrorLand is a series of books written by one of my favourite writer the one and only R. L. Stine, and I would highly recommend one of the book from the series ‘The horror at Chiller House’. It is a great thriller to read which pulls you in.

The plot of the book is the story of six kids who have bought Jonathan Chiller’s rare souvenirs. It’s payback time for Chiller and he knows exactly what he wants - players for his deadly game. Can the children get out of HorrorLand ever? I think the idea, the writing, the highs and lows of this book is amazing.

Overall I love this book and if you’re ready to take up the challenge to read the book, go ahead the choice is yours. This book is totally worth the read and one would love to read even more of Goosebumps to get the horror of your life. Reader beware you’re in for a scare.

Winter Poem

When the wind is blowing cold
And the ground is ice
When we throw snow balls twice and thrice,
When we always mould, a snowman nice
But when the rocks of hard ice
Falls from the skies
We think "is it winter?"
It is hype?

The Labyrinth of Horrors - Part I

It was cold, dark and blood moon night. I was late as I had attended Halloween party but now I was spooked, though I was one of the toughest guy in the town. I saw a creepy mask shop which was open to which I slowly walked towards...
‘Welcome’ boomed a raspy voice ‘
Want a mask?’. It was the voice of the shopkeeper, to which I replied ‘H... hello, I don’t want a mas-‘. ‘You don’t want a mask, why did you come here?’ screamed the shopkeeper. ‘Lets play a game’ He pushed a button and I was warped inside out, I closed my eyes as I had no idea when the feeling of warping stopped. I slowly opened my eyes... I thought I was in a ‘What! Is this a maze?’ ‘You gussied it, it is a maze’ I heard the shopkeeper boom through the microphone ‘Oh sorry, did I mention it was not a maze but a labyrinth of horrors. Don’t get your brain eaten by zombies or blood sucked by vampires, Good Luck!!! Muhahahahaha!!! So I was stuck in this gigantic labyrinth of horrors..

The Chest of Seven Sins

I was walking along the dark, misty and fragile landscape. As I strolled, taking care where I stepped the cave seemed to open its maw grabbi...