Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Creep in the Deep

It was a sunny day and I was walking on the deck of the ship named “Casendra” withmy uncle ‘Ben’. He said excitedly, “We are going to the underwater sunken shipcalled ‘Scarlet Skull’. I asked him “How are we going underwater?”  He explained me “We are going by a very smallsubmarine”. We walked through the deck and reached at the submarine.
FirstUncle Ben went in, followed by my sister Nano and lastly I entered into thesubmarine. Uncle Ben showed us all the controls of the submarine while Nanopoked around. The submarine plunged under water. Suddenly we heard a loud“THONK”. We may have crashed into the Scarlet Skull, Uncle Ben’s voice fadedaway. I shouted in frustration “Uncle Ben…. Uncle Ben…”
ThenI heard a loud “BHOOM”. I looked from one of the glass windows “Aaa! Skeletons!How can it be possible” BOOM… BHOOM.
“Veer!”shouted Nano, “Pull the lever to make the submarine go up”.  I pulled the lever back and forth couple oftimes. “It’s not working” I replied. Nano said “Try the red button”. So Ipushed the red button and the submarine flew up the water. After a while Ilooked out of the hatch and excitedly said “Hey look, an island!” Nano waseager as well as she wanted to go on the island. She plunged into the water.The island was sunny and we felt like home. We both felt that the trees lookedat us and smiled. Suddenly Nano said “Hey, look there, a cave”, to which Ireplied “I think there are people in there.”
“Letgo and not waste our time” Nano replied and we both ran towards the cave.Suddenly in the middle of the track the sand disappeared beneath our feet andwe both fell down in a deep hole….. I looked up and saw three skeletonslingering on the sides of the hole. Nano tried to climb out, but when sherealized that there are skeletons she panicked and felt down. One of the skeletons reached his bony hand toward Nano, to which she dodged but the skeleton was too strong. As the skeleton pulled her out, she screamed “UncleBen!!!”Another skeleton reached out my hand too, and pulled me out andexcitedly I cried out “Uncle Ben”. “They caught you too” Uncle Ben’s voice wasvery hoarse.
We saw, two men came running towards us with clubs in their hand. They bashed theskeletons and said “We have to get out of here” Suddenly one of the skeletonscame up and chopped one of the men’s toes. The other men hit the skeleton andtrashed him into million pieces. We ran towards the submarine, quickly openedthe hatch and boarded inside. Uncle Ben switched on the Auto Pilot mode and thesubmarine plunged into the water for our journey towards our home. It may haveseems like years passed when we reached towards the Casendra.

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