Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Kraken

Seventh September 2019. It had been a sunny Sunday. I was on a beach in Goa. I had been sitting on the soft sand, enjoying the beautiful scenery. The waves bobbed their heads and the sky was orange with the sunset. A teenager surfed on the genital waves. The air had been cool.

Far off in the sea a gigantic, not a wave, but a bump had been forming. Unlike the other waves however, the bump moved towards the lone teen. It was fast and gaining speed. I thought I had seen a silhouette. I had shaken the thought of. As the bump had gotten closer I saw it. An abomination. And then it shown itself...

It was the ancient sea creature. It was the kraken! It long body cut through the water with ease. Its tentacles had suction cups with long bones which looked like hooks. Then I had heard a dream of terror and as I watched with frightened eyes the kraken open it’s mouth. 

As I watched the kraken leaped to the teen. The last thing I heard from the teen was a scream. The teen had died that day. The Kraken had disappeared.

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