Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Race

“Hey Bill, get the crowbar” shouted Mike “I need them to fix the boosters!” We all, Mike Rosenbloom, Marth Josh, Bill Watson and I their leader, Dan Cahill were working on the biggest event of our life. We had got the opportunity to participate in the Moto Z Space Race.
The Moto Z was a race to the Carmonline 1456 miles above the surface of the earth. We had to make our own Helium powered blimps to race to the destination. “Fixed!” Bill exclaimed “Let’s go. Control room.” I commanded. We all plugged in and ran through the protocols. A crisp female accent rang in our ears “Contestants, Go!”

We slowly soared up. The city of light of Shanghai started to fade; the houses looked like ants; the oxygen blasted through our suits, a mini storm. “Time for overdrive – boosters” I said with a fiendish grin. I flicked the switch. We shot up 10 miles / hr 20… 30… and it kept on increasing. We were sponged into our seats as the overdrive kicked in. The blimp whirred up. We saw an another blimp with overdrives too which where faster than us and it seems all hope was lost as they overtook us. “No!” we all cried in unison. Then as we reached to the Carmonline, the other blimp crossed and we heard a “Booom!”

I smacked my face on the control panel. Blood trickled down my checks, into my mouth. The coppery taste filled my tongue. Alarms blared all around me. “Let’s jump with a parach-” My voice was interrupted by two more explosions. We opened the back gate took our parachute and jumped…

We landed on the ground, bruised and hurt. The sunny day was flipped into a dark night. The debris rained down filling the ground up. As I watched a big piece of the blimp that was about to fell. I saw it; the explosives attached on the back; hidden; I was stunned.

Discovery of Atlantis

This is the story of a great man, who discovered the secrets of one of the most ancient civilisations in the world. It was 1984 when Veer, who was a fisherman was sailing with his best friend Neon. They lived on a small island in the Lakshadweep islands of India. They were going to go out a kilometre away to catch some fish. “The weather looks kind of bad-“ “Oh come on Veer. We have waited for so long to go fishing. We we’ll be fine.” They were almost to their destination when the skies exploded in darkness. The waves became choppy and violent. Neon hit his head and dropped, unconscious. Veer carried him into the boat room and then the to, fainted...
They woke in a heap, got up and walked out. The water was calm. They didn’t know where they were, but only knew they would die. After almost 7 days they herd a crash. They were sinking. Neon quickly built a raft, gathered all the materials and aboard the raft. They where going to die of starvation in couple of days. Then they saw a beautiful island and set course towards it. As soon as they entered the island they knew they had found it The Legendary City of Atlantis... 
Suddenly a snake leaped out of the water and Neon instantly died because of the venom. Veer let his tears flow. He took the flare gun and shot it to salute his friends death and coincidentally it was picked up by a carried  ship. Finally he was giving interview in front of the press conference. Thus he became a legend.

A walk down Scrumptious Avenue

My favourite thing to do is walk down the street of Le Dela Montane or as I like to call it ‘Scrumptious Avenue’. 
Whenever I see from the short hill the market, I take in my surroundings. They look like ants dotted on the ground afterwards when I enter the street the soft smell of vegetables fills me with happiness and joy the market occasionally sell the vegetables, fishes and some fruits. There are hawkers who yell to sell their food. 
When I had enter the street for the first time I couldn’t help myself to buy some tikka with softly roasted paneer and freshly cooked vegetables. The most recent time I went there I tried new dishes like the boondi freshly cooked with slight jalapeƱo and cheese on fries. 
Every morning when I pass through the market the smell of flowers greets me. 
Yes I admit that the road is little worn out but still the smell is soothing. Bunch of tomatoes and potatoes are lined up in a pyramid structure and capsicums too. 
The most exiting part is when we find the tingling smell of the spices. The aroma of smell is found in some spices like garlic, red chilli and pepper. 
You may not like this market but for sure it brings me to life.

The Kraken

Seventh September 2019. It had been a sunny Sunday. I was on a beach in Goa. I had been sitting on the soft sand, enjoying the beautiful scenery. The waves bobbed their heads and the sky was orange with the sunset. A teenager surfed on the genital waves. The air had been cool.

Far off in the sea a gigantic, not a wave, but a bump had been forming. Unlike the other waves however, the bump moved towards the lone teen. It was fast and gaining speed. I thought I had seen a silhouette. I had shaken the thought of. As the bump had gotten closer I saw it. An abomination. And then it shown itself...

It was the ancient sea creature. It was the kraken! It long body cut through the water with ease. Its tentacles had suction cups with long bones which looked like hooks. Then I had heard a dream of terror and as I watched with frightened eyes the kraken open it’s mouth. 

As I watched the kraken leaped to the teen. The last thing I heard from the teen was a scream. The teen had died that day. The Kraken had disappeared.

The Chest of Seven Sins

I was walking along the dark, misty and fragile landscape. As I strolled, taking care where I stepped the cave seemed to open its maw grabbi...