Saturday, March 7, 2020

The Race

“Hey Bill, get the crowbar” shouted Mike “I need them to fix the boosters!” We all, Mike Rosenbloom, Marth Josh, Bill Watson and I their leader, Dan Cahill were working on the biggest event of our life. We had got the opportunity to participate in the Moto Z Space Race.
The Moto Z was a race to the Carmonline 1456 miles above the surface of the earth. We had to make our own Helium powered blimps to race to the destination. “Fixed!” Bill exclaimed “Let’s go. Control room.” I commanded. We all plugged in and ran through the protocols. A crisp female accent rang in our ears “Contestants, Go!”

We slowly soared up. The city of light of Shanghai started to fade; the houses looked like ants; the oxygen blasted through our suits, a mini storm. “Time for overdrive – boosters” I said with a fiendish grin. I flicked the switch. We shot up 10 miles / hr 20… 30… and it kept on increasing. We were sponged into our seats as the overdrive kicked in. The blimp whirred up. We saw an another blimp with overdrives too which where faster than us and it seems all hope was lost as they overtook us. “No!” we all cried in unison. Then as we reached to the Carmonline, the other blimp crossed and we heard a “Booom!”

I smacked my face on the control panel. Blood trickled down my checks, into my mouth. The coppery taste filled my tongue. Alarms blared all around me. “Let’s jump with a parach-” My voice was interrupted by two more explosions. We opened the back gate took our parachute and jumped…

We landed on the ground, bruised and hurt. The sunny day was flipped into a dark night. The debris rained down filling the ground up. As I watched a big piece of the blimp that was about to fell. I saw it; the explosives attached on the back; hidden; I was stunned.

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