Tuesday, October 2, 2018


Masqu was a tiny little stupid mosquito from the mosquito king family. He was one of the youngest mosquito in the royal family.
One day Masqu risked his life and entered Veer's house. Veer was a gigantic monster for Masqu but even more dangerous than him was his father. They where human beings, the second biggest thing they have ever seen.
Masqu dropped down to sting Veer but was blocked by his dad's ultimate weapon, 'The Slap'. Masqu dogged the slap and swooped up. Not afraid of the humans he tried to sting Veer's dad.
Too late, the slap hit Masqu and he was dead in less than 5 seconds. The whole world of mosquitoes arrived to bite Veer's dad & Veer but they had a 'Made In China' racket. When they swung the racket, the mosquitoes died instantly.

1 comment:

The Chest of Seven Sins

I was walking along the dark, misty and fragile landscape. As I strolled, taking care where I stepped the cave seemed to open its maw grabbi...